Working Bee (“Talka”) in Dviete floodplain
Working Bee to remove bushes from floodplain grasslands will take place on September 24-25 (Saturday and Sunday), 2011 in Dviete floodplain nature park. You are welcome to take part!
The event is organised by Latvian Fund for Nature in co-operation with Ilūkste municipality within the LIFE+ project "Restoration of Corncrake habitats in Dviete floodplain Natura 2000 site". Removal of bushes in floodplain grasslands is necessary to create open areas for grassland birds.
Grasslands of Dviete floodplain are very important for breeding Corncrakes and Great Snipes. During spring floods Dviete floodplain is a major stop-over site for migratory waterbirds. More information on Dviete floodplain and LIFE+ project is available at the website
Participants are kindly asked to inform about their participation by calling 65407909 or e-mailing to JLIB_HTML_CLOAKING .
Time schedule:
24 September
12:00 coffee
13:00 – 18:00 work
18:00 dinner
25 September
9:00 breakfast
10:00 – 14:00 work
14:00 lunch
15:00 short excursion
Photo: Ilze Vilšķērste