Last update: 17.05.2019

Experience exchange in Dviete floodplain

On June 15-17 Dviete floodplain was visited by the team of LIFE+ project LIFE13 NAT/PL/000050 „Restoration of hydrological system in the Middle Basin of the Biebrza Valley. Phase II" from Poland.

The event began in the evening of June 15 by meeting of participants, dinner and short walk within Dviete floodplain, observing floodplain vegetation and listening to Great Snipe songs.

Morning of June 16 was spent in the Information center of the nature park in ‘Gulbji’ farm, where information on activities of the LIFE+ project DVIETE was provided by Edmunds Račinskis and Ilze Priedniece. Afterwards Agnese Priede, representing Nature Conservation Agency, told about the project LIFE11 NAT/LV/000371 „NAT-PROGRAMME”, as well as the state of natural grasslands in Latvia and challenges in their management. Then the floor was given to the guests - Adam Bernatowicz, project manager, told about restoration works of hydrological regime in Biebrza valley.

After the lunch participants visited restored meanders of river Dviete and open grassland areas at the right bank of the river, largest dam on the straightened riverbed, built for redirection of stream in the restored riverbed, as well as the bird watching tower and continued discussions on restoration and maintenance measures of floodplains. During evening participants watched nature films from Latvia and Poland within the Information center.

On June 17 the event ended with an excursion to the left bank of river Dviete, where the bird watching tower of Zariņu sala was visited and potential restoration works of the lake Skuķu discussed; restored river section at Zariņu sala was also visited.

There were 14 participants in total - project teams of Dviete and Biebrza LIFE+ projects, representatives of Nature Conservation Agency, University of Latvia and Latvian Ornithological Society.

Challenges in floodplain restoration in Latvia and Poland are rather similar; both sides were pleased about gained knowledge.

There is a similarity also in site names - both names „Bebrene” and „Biebrza” are derived from the word „beaver”.

Ilze Priedniece
