Last update: 17.05.2019

10 years of Dviete floodplain nature park

10 years have passed since the establishment of Dviete floodplain nature park. With a support of local people and municipalities, Dviete floodplain became a nature park in 2004. On April 8, 2004 the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Latvia approved the Regulations No 267 „Amendments of the Regulations of the Cabinet of Ministers No 83 of March 9, 1999 „Regulations on Nature Parks"", thus including the area in the list of nature parks of national level.

Everybody is kindly welcomed to celebrate 10 years of Dviete floodplain nature park on April 12, 2014 in Putnu sala of Bebrene parish, Information centre of the nature park in the farm „Gulbji”.

Time schedule:

09:30 Coffee and tee

10:00 Bird watching excursion

13:00 Lunch

14:30 Review on 10 years of the nature park:

14:30 – 14:40 Speeches of representatives of the municipality and Nature Conservation Agency

14:40 – 15:10 From idea till nature park. Dāvis Gruberts, „Dvietes senlejas pagastu apvienība”, University of Daugavpils

15:10 – 15:40 Dviete floodplain nature park since the establishment. Edmunds Račinskis, Latvian Fund for Nature

15:40 - 16:00 Speeches of guests

16:00 Cake

17:00 „Vecpilsētas dziedātāji”

Participants are kindly asked to inform about their participation beforehand, writing to JLIB_HTML_CLOAKING or calling 26562163. Clothes, appropriate for nature walking under variable weather conditions of April, are required, including rubber boots and rain coats.